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Stroking and / or filling

When an artist creates a piece of vector art from scratch, they may layer the shapes in various ways to suit their composition, and then use combinations of stroking and filling to create the final design. Results produced by Vector Magic come in two flavors: fill only, or stroked and filled.

Fill only

This is the most used output mode, where the shapes are filled but not stroked.

  • Good for vector-based printing and cutting methods, like vinyl cutting, laser engraving, and embroidery as it will only cut once per shape. May still cut twice per edge as most edges are shared by two shapes.

  • Simpler file, compatible with the most viewers.

  • May have thin white lines in buggy viewers. Most viewers are buggy.

Fill only

Stroke + Fill

This is a workaround for buggy viewers that render thin white lines around shapes that are only filled. All shapes are first stroked, then in a second layer they're all filled. This eliminates the white lines.

  • Good for display purposes as it renders without thin white lines, even in buggy viewers.

  • More complicated file that may be incompatible with older viewers.

  • May cut twice per shape when used for vinyl cutting, laser engraving, embroidery, etc.



Stroke + Fill


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Cropped image exceeds size limit and will be scaled to fit.
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